Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Music Movement

I feel like Hardcore, Punk, Goth Industrial, Electronic, House musical movement all play a part in Animals As Leaders band in Progressive Metal.  Progressive Metal is not your standard screaming metal, most of it is instrumental overall. Progressive Metal is more geared to people who play music, because of its use in guitars, basses and more. Many bands in that movement use 8 sting guitars and 6 string bass, for example Animals as Leaders.

A lot of this music uses a lot of technology behind it to tone and shape the sound of the guitars, basses, drums, panino, and many other kinds of musical instruments used. It all has to work with technology to play the music. First, you need the input of the guitar though the pickups in the guitar. Second, the input goes either to an amp, computer, pedal, toner, or few other options.  Then, in computers you can change the sound to almost anything you ever wanted, or it can just go out of the amp. So, every single step evolves some kind of Technology in its process.

All of the 5 music movement have a part in Progressive Metal. Goth with many of the harmonic scales play a part in Progressive Metal. Electronic music mainly plays a part with the keyboardist in the group. House or Blues have advance scales, and when they are put into metal they give less of that heavy metal feel. Hardcore is still one of the main parts, because in many sound it has hardcore music undertones. Punk movement both with the sound and sometimes how the people are dressed. Some of the band members can be dressed down in that urban decay look.

Some altogether they all the different music movements play apart in Progressive Metal in some way or another. In all these different movements they all have to use technology. They actually have to use technology almost 100 percent for their music, because all of them are powered by electricity. For Progressive Metal their sound is changing constantly with the progress of technology.

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